My short video Don’t Waste Water  is just the tip of the iceberg, water is one of our most precious resources, the source of all life, and should be conserved. Here are some best water practices to help conserve this vital resource.

1. Don’t use water unnecessarily. We all know to turn off the faucet when brushing our teeth or washing our hands, but do you really need to fill your cup two-thirds of the way before using it? Save water by checking the water meter before using it and turning off appliances when not in use.

2. Use a hose to water your plants instead of hosing down your driveway, sidewalks and street. Not only is this wasteful, it also creates muddy conditions that can lead to critters such as snakes and bugs moving into your area.

3. Avoid using too much water when taking a shower or washing dishes. Instead of filling the sink halfway and letting the water run until it reaches the desired level, use a hand-held showerhead or pour just enough water into the sink to cover your dishes. This will save you time and energy while keeping your kitchen clean!

4. Water efficiently in areas where you have sprinklers on timers or automatic watering systems by adjusting the flow setting so that only what is needed is delivered to minimize runoff and waste.

5. Educate your family and friends about the benefits of water conservation. Better yet, get them involved by setting up a rain garden, installing low-flow toilets or establishing a water conservation account at the utility company.

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